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Events in 2024

Summer School Neurorehabilitation 2024

17.06.2024 - 20.06.2024 | Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald

A neurorehabilitation update in 4 days. Densely packed and yet relaxed - a good opportunity to get to know clinical practice in neurorehabilitation at a glance and "up to date". The SSNR 2024 has been certified by the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Medical Association.

The BDH Bundesverband Rehabilitation organised the Neurorehabilitation Summer School for the sixth time in cooperation with the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. It is a multi-professional training initiative of the World Federation of Neurorehabilitation (WFNR) and is designed for all members of the neurorehabilitation team. 


UNI IM RATHAUS ROSTOCK on 22.02.2024  - Senator and experts from computer science and medicine in dialogue

Rostock's health senator Steffen Bockhahn discussed artificial intelligence in medicine and care with doctors and computer scientists from the state universities of Rostock and Greifswald on 22 February 2024 at UNI IM RATHAUS.



Events in 2022


23.08.-24.08.2022 Final Seminar

For DigiCare, DIG-IT!, E-BRAiN und NEISS

Venue: Arno-Esch-Hörsaal, Campus Ulmenstraße in Rostock


May 18th - 21th, 2022: International Symposium "Use of Humanoid Robot Technology for Therapy"

Thomas Platz: Humanoid robots in rehabilitation therapy — chance and challenge, öffentlicher Abendvortrag, 18.05.2022

Stephanie Bobe, Philipp Deutsch, Ann-Sophie Hensler, Ann Louise Pedersen, Thomas Platz: Therapeutic interaction & Robot therapy, 19.05.2022

Emily S. Cross: Widening the lens: Cognitive and brain science approaches for research on human-robot interactions, 19.05.2022

Shelly Levy-Tzedek: Lessions learned from upper-limb post-stroke rehabilitation with a social robot, 19.05.2022

Arvid Kappas: Social Robotics: Designing Machines that Interact with People, 19.05.2022

Alfons Hamm, Christoph Szeska: Motivation, 19.05.2022

Alexandru Nicolea Bundea, Peter Forbrig: User Model Technology, 20.05.2022

Maitreyee Tewari: Towards We-intentional HRI Interactions using Theory of Mind and Hierarchical Task Network, 20.05.2022

Katie Winkle: Building Feminist Social Robots: What, Why and How, 20.05.2022

Raul Hakli: Are humanoid robots capable of social interactions with humans and can they be held morally responsible? 20.05.2022

Serge Autexier: Intuitive and informative Human-Robot Communication, 20.05.2022

Sebastian Bader, Thomas Kirste: Human Behavior Recognition and Natural Language Generation for Neuro-Rehabilitation, 20.05.2022

Peter Zweifel: Health Preference Research — Development, Methods and Contributions to Health Care Decision Making, 21.05.2022

Ann-Kathrin Fischer, Christin Juhnke Gina-Sophie Labahn, Axel C. Mühlbacher: Patient preferences in neurorehabilitation: a consideration of clinical effects and technical features of robotic therapy, 21.05.2022

Yvonne Stefanie Jordan, Axel C. Mühlbacher, Andrew Sadler: Efficiency frontier of digital health interventions: A probabilistic model of cost-effectiveness analysis


Venue: Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald

You can access the symposium here.

Events in 2021

June 10th, 2021 a public lecture as a part of lecture and event series of the Family University Greifswald:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Platz: "Roboter als Therapie-Assistenten - Können uns humanoide Roboter behandeln?" 

For more information, klick here:

Former lectures:


May 18th, 2022

Prof. Dr. Thomas Platz, Greifswald

Topic: Humanoid robots in rehabilitation therapy – chance and challenge

This evening lecture was hosted by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald as part of  the international symposium "Use of Humanoid Robot Technology for Therapy" organised by the research consortium "E-BRAiN - Evidence-based Robot Assistance in Neurorehabilitation", a member of the Excellence Research Program of the German Federal State "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern".

November 1st, 2021

Prof.  Dr. Axel Cleeremans, Brüssel
Topic: Consciousness in humans and machines: An overview

This event was hosted by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald as part of the lecture series organised by the research consortium "E-BRAiN - Evidence-based Robot Assistance in Neurorehabilitation", a member of the Excellence Research Program of the German Federal State "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern".

June 02nd, 2021

Prof.  Dr. Thomas Platz, Greifswald
Topic: Science fiction live – Therapie mit einem humanoiden Roboter

Note: This lecture is available in the media library of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald as a "streaming" offer (please click on the lecture topic and you will be forwarded).

November 18th, 2020

Dr. Christian Maté, Wien
Topic: Medizin ohne Ärzte. Ersetzt künstliche Intelligenz die menschliche Heilkunst?

This event was hosted by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald as part of the lecture series organised by the research consortium "E-BRAiN - Evidence-based Robot Assistance in Neurorehabilitation", a member of the Excellence Research Program of the German Federal State "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern".

July 01st, 2020

Ralph Müller-Eiselt
Director, Program Megatrends, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Topic: Wir und die intelligenten Maschinen: Wie Algorithmen unser Leben bestimmen und wir sie für uns nutzen können.

Note: This lecture is available in the media library of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald as a "streaming" offer (please click on the lecture topic and you will be forwarded).

October 24th, 2019

Prof. Dr. Thomas Platz
AG Neurorehabilitation der UMG und BDH Bundesverband Rehabilitation
Topic: Humanoide Roboter als Therapieassistenz in der Neurorehabilitation – Science oder Fiction? Zu Chancen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen einer Zukunftstechnologie.

This event was hosted by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald as part of the lecture series organised by the research consortium "E-BRAiN - Evidence-based Robot Assistance in Neurorehabilitation", a member of the Excellence Research Program of the German Federal State "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern".