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University Medical Centre, Greifswald (UMG)/ Institut for Psychology: Biological und clinical Psychology (Head Prof. Dr. Alfons O. Hamm)

Project Staff:

  • Prof. Dr. Alfons Hamm; Dipl. Psych. (Chair)
  • Mr Christoph Szeska, M. Sc. Psychology
  • Ms cand. psych. Jenetay S. Argin, research assistant
  • Ms Ines Brenner, M. Sc. Psychology


Tasks and research content:

The central task of the research group is the analysis of the central interpersonal interaction processes during therapeutic interventions in neurorehabilitation. The central therapeutic instructions including their motivational supporting actions during the therapy sessions are to be extracted and models are planned to be developed that allow a transfer to a humanoid robotic platform.

Individual contents include:

  • Analysis of the therapeutic interactions in the different therapy treatments (arm basis training, arm ability training, neglect therapy) with regarding to motivational cues.
  • Derive recommendations for the interaction of the humanoid robot to adequately respond to these "neurological interaction aspects" of the patients and support motivation.
  • Supporting the computer science partners in the development of appropriate algorithms and latent structures for implementation in the humanoid therapy assistant (Pepper) platform.
  • Assessment of the quality of the "therapeutic relationship" between the humanoid robot and the patient in the therapeutic process.
  • Publication activity, preparation of an international final symposium


Universität Greifswald
Institut für Psychologie
Physiologische und Klinische Psychologie / Psychotherapie
Franz-Mehring-Str. 47
17489 Greifswald


Telefon: 03834 420 3715
Email: hammuni-greifswaldde