Have you had a stroke and would like intensive and effective therapy?
- We are looking for you as participant for our clinical research project E-BRAiN under the direction of Prof. Dr. T. Platz
- We offer specific training for mild or moderate arm paresis or neglect (neglect of one side when seeing) after a stroke
- You will receive approximately 60 minutes of free intensive one-on-one therapy over 10 days, assisted by our humanoid robot (in either Period A or Period B)
- A prescription is not required
- Since the therapy with the humanoid robot has been set-up with German language only, the therapy is suitable only for stroke survivors with excellent German language capacities. Sorry for any inconvenience of that matter.
If you are interested or have any questions, please call 03834 86 6966
or write an e-mail to: e-brainmed.uni-greifswaldde
You will find us on the premises of the Greifswald University Medical Center, Fleischmannstraße 44, 17489 Greifswald